Mohsen Soltani, Simon Stisen, and Julian Koch. Spatial pattern evaluation of remote-sensing evapotranspiration products using surface water-balance approach: application of geostatistical functions for quantifying drivers and dependence structures of ET data. EGU2020-8687 | Displays | HS6.1
Julian Koch, Simon Stisen, Xin He, and Grith Martinsen. Quantifying net irrigation across the North China Plain through dual modelling of evapotranspiration. EGU2020-8633 | Displays | HS6.8
Fabio Oriani, Simon Stisen, Mehmet C. Demirel, and Gregoire Mariethoz. Missing data imputation for multisite rainfall networks: a comparison between geostatistical interpolation and data-mining estimation on different terrain types. EGU2020-5249 | Displays | HS3.7/ESSI1.13/GI6.17/NH1.20/SSS10.8
Conference contributions
Julian Koch, Simon Stisen, Rasmus Fensholt, Martha Anderson, Christopher Hain and Thomas Holmes. The worth of all-weather evapotranspiration for optimizing a regional hydrological model. AGU2019 - H41P-1958
Mohsen Soltani, Simon Stisen and Julian Koch. Spatial Optimization and Parameterization of a Distributed Hydrological Model: A Remote Sensing-based Approach for Improving ET Patters. AGU2019 - H41P-1955
Simon Stisen and Julian Koch. Dual modelling of evapotranspiration over North China Plain to estimate net irrigation. AGU2019 - H33O-2218
Simon Stisen, Gorka Mendiguren Gonzalez, Julian Koch, and Mehmet Cüneyd Demirel. A framework for spatial pattern oriented optimization of distributed hydrological models using satellite observations. EGU2019-8212 | Posters | HS1.2.9/AS4.26/BG1.28/NP5.6/OS4.24/SSS11.9
Wenmin Zhang, Rena Meyer, Majken Looms Zibar, Søren Julsgaard Kragh, Mie Andreasen, Simon Stisen, Rasmus Fensholt, and Karsten Høgh Jensen. Downscaling SMOS with Sentinel-1 data – an example from West Denmark. EGU2019-14033 | Posters | HS6.4
Conference contributions
Fabio Oriani, Simon Stisen, Cüneyd Demirel and Grégoire Mariethoz. Recovering missing rainfall data by resampling the historical dataset: a simple technique to improve the estimation of basin recharge. AGU2018 - H51T-1589
Invited guest lectures
Simon Stisen, Water Lecture Seminar Series 2018 #6, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST). June 26th 2018 ( “A framework for spatial pattern oriented calibration of distributed hydrological models using satellite observations”
Simon Stisen, Nanshan Guest Lecture Series, Southern University of Science and Technology Shenzhen, China. September 21st 2018 ( “A framework for spatial pattern oriented calibration of distributed hydrological models using satellite observations”
Conference contributions
Mehmet Cüneyd Demirel, Simon Stisen, Gorka Mendiguren González, Rohini Kumar, Oldrich Rakovec and Luis E. Samaniego. Calibration of a distributed hydrologic model for six European catchments using remote sensing data. AGU Session H53J-1612:
Julian Koch, Karsten H. Jensen and Simon Stisen. The worth of data to reduce predictive uncertainty of an integrated catchment model by multi-constraint calibration. AGU Session H33B-1679:
Mie Andreasen, Majken Looms, Jesper Riis Christiansen, Torben Obel Sonnenborg, Simon Stisen and Karsten H. Jensen. Examining the canopy interception at a forest field site using cosmic-ray neutron detection. AGU Session H41D-1481:
Simon Stisen, M. Cüneyd Demirel, Gorka Mendiguren, Julian Koch, and Luis Samaniego. Spatial pattern evaluation as a diagnostic approach to understand distributed hydrological model deficiencies at the catchment scale. / EGU2017-15846. Oral presentation at EGU 2017, Session HS2.3.1: Innovative sensing techniques and data analysis approaches to increase hydrological process understanding
Fabio Oriani. Simulating the complex output of rainfall and hydrological processes using the information contained in large data sets: the Direct Sampling approach. (solicited). / EGU2017-2280. Invited speaker at EGU 2017, Session HS7.1/AS1.11/NH1.15/NP10.11: Precipitation: from measurement to modelling and application in catchment hydrology (co-organized)
Eva Sebok, Jens Christian Refsgaard, Jord J. Warmink, Simon Stisen, and Karsten Høgh Jensen. Quantifying catchment water balances and their uncertainties by expert elicitation. / EGU2017-5145. Oral presentation at EGU 2017, Session HS1.15: Recent advancement in estimating global, continental and regional scale water balance components
Inge Wiekenkamp, Julian Koch, Johan Alexander Huisman, Heye Reemt Bogena, and Harry Vereecken. Spatiotemporal Changes in Hydrological Response after Partial Deforestation . / EGU2017-6930. Poster presentation at EGU 2017, Session HS1.13: Towards integrated process understanding using hydrological observatories
Seminar contributions
Fabio Oriani contributed to "Four seasons in a day: Exploring the climate of Australia through multiple-point geostatistics", Educational seminars of the Geology Department, University of Milan, May 2, 2017. Program details.
Conference contributions
Gorka Mendiguren González, Simon Stisen and Julian Koch. Retrieval of spatially distributed hydrological properties from satellite observations for spatial evaluation of a national water resources model. / AGU2016-121049. Oral presentation at AGU 2016, Session H41K: Remote Sensing Applications in Hydrology: Spatial Patterns and Vertical Land-Surface and Aquifer-Storage Change I
Julian Koch, Gorka Mendiguren González, Gregoire Mariethoz and Simon Stisen. Spatial sensitivity analysis of simulated land-surface patterns in a catchment model using a set of innovative spatial performance metrics. / AGU2016-118777. Oral presentation at AGU 2016, Session H41K: Remote Sensing Applications in Hydrology: Spatial Patterns and Vertical Land-Surface and Aquifer-Storage Change I
Mehrdis Danapour, Simon Stisen, Anker L Højberg, Julian Koch and Gorka Mendiguren González. Spatial pattern oriented evaluation of a highly parameterized inversion problem. / AGU2016-173343. Poster presentation at AGU 2016, Session H43K: Remote Sensing Applications in Hydrology: Spatial Patterns and Vertical Land-Surface and Aquifer-Storage Change III
Mehmet Cuneyd Demirel, Juliane Mai, Simon Stisen, Gorka Mendiguren González, Julian Koch and Luis E Samaniego. Integrating satellite actual evapotranspiration patterns into distributed model parametrization and evaluation for a mesoscale catchment. / AGU2016-129520. Poster presentation at AGU 2016, Session H33H: Hydrologic Data Assimilation II Posters
Julian Koch and Simon Stisen. Citizen science: A new perspective to evaluate spatial patterns in hydrology. / AGU2016-155274. Poster presentation at AGU 2016, Session PA53A: Robust Science Results from Citizen Science Projects across the Disciplines II Posters
Fabio Oriani and Simon Stisen. Improving a spatial rainfall product using multiple-point geostatistical simulations and its effect on a national hydrological model. / AGU2016-159029. Poster presentation at AGU 2016, Session H13J: Utilizing Precipitation Datasets and Quantifying Associated Uncertainties in Hydrometeorological and Climate Impact Applications III Posters
Mehrdis Danapour, Simon Stisen, and Anker Lajer Højberg. Optimization of a catchment-scale coupled surface-subsurface hydrological model using pilot points. /EGU2016-8380. Poster presentation at EGU 2016, Session HS8.1.3: Model Uncertainties, Parameter Estimation, and Data Assimilation in Subsurface Hydrology
Gorka Mendiguren González and Simon Stisen. Spatial uncertainty in remote sensing generated hydrological variables. / EGU2016-12134. Poster presentation at EGU 2016, HS6.5: Assimilation of hydrological remote sensing data
Julian Koch, Thomas Cornelissen, Zhufeng Fang, Heye Bogena, Bernd Diekkrüger, Stefan Kollet, and Simon Stisen. Inter-comparison of three distributed hydrological models with respect to seasonal variability of soil moisture patterns at a small forested catchment. /EGU2016-4471 Oral presentation at EGU 2016, Session SSS7.9/HS8.3.8: Challenges in soil physics research
Julian Koch and Simon Stisen. Avenues for crowd science in Hydrology. /EGU2016-4506. Oral presentation at EGU 2016, Session HS1.2 ECS: Hydrology Pop-Ups: Sharing failures, lessons learned and new ideas (PICO Session)
Julian Koch, Amanda Siemann, Simon Stisen, and Justin Sheffield. Spatial validation of large scale land surface models against monthly land surface temperature patterns using innovative performance metrics. /EGU2016-4488. Poster presentation at EGU 2016, Session HS2.1.3: Spatial patterns evaluation and process-physics understanding in distributed hydrologic modeling.
Mehmet C. Demirel, Gorka M. González, Juliane Mai, and Simon Stisen. Calibration of a distributed hydrologic model using observed spatial patterns from MODIS data. / EGU2016-5878. Oral presentation at EGU 2016, Session HS2.1.3: Spatial patterns evaluation and process-physics understanding in distributed hydrologic modeling.
Conference contributions
Mendiguren G, Stisen S, and Koch J. Retrieval of spatially distributed hydrological properties based on surface temperature rise measured from space for spatial model validation at regional scale. / EGU2015-11400. Oral presentation at EGU 2015 Vienna. Session HS2.1.4 Spatial patterns in hydrology: Towards comprehensive evaluation and calibration of distributed hydrological models.
Koch J and Stisen S. Connectivity as a spatial performance metric to validate simulated spatial patterns of continuous hydrological states and fluxes in distributed hydrological modelling / EGU2015-5290. Poster presentation at EGU 2015 Vienna. Session HS.2.1.4 Spatial patterns in hydrology: Towards comprehensive evaluation and calibration of distributed hydrological models.
Conference contributions
Stisen S, Sonnenborg TO, Refsgaard JC, Koch J, Bircher S and Jensen KH. Multi-constraint calibration of a surface-subsurface-atmosphere model at the catchment scale / EGU2014-5577. Oral presentation at EGU 2014 Vienna. Session HS8.3.3 Patterns in Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Systems: Monitoring, Modelling, and Data Assimilation.
Koch J, Stisen S, and Jensen KH. Evaluating spatial patterns in hydrological modeling / EGU2014-5286. Poster presentation at EGU 2014 Vienna. Session HS8.3.3 Patterns in Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Systems: Monitoring, Modelling, and Data Assimilation.
Koch J, Stisen S, and Jensen KH. Assessing spatial patterns to characterize performance in hydrological modeling / EGU2014-5268. Poster presentation at EGU 2014 Vienna. Session NP1.2 Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive models and Data Inversion In Geosciences.
Koch J, Stisen S, and Jensen KH. Spatial patterns in hydrological modeling: Benchmarked by the human perception - Evaluating against real data - Diagnosing complex model defects. TERENO International Conference 2014. Bonn, October 2014.